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VIP Task Manager Professional Version History

VIP Task Manager Professional Version History
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Version 4.2.5
  • Added: Possibility to choose one of the following product interface languages:
    • English
    • German
    • French
    • Spanish
    • Dutch
    • Norwegian
    • Czech
    • Croatian
    • Russian
  • Improved: Reminders and attachments of duplicated tasks
  • Improved: Column headers and footers behavior on program start
  • Fixed: Display of notes in RTF format after task duplication
  • Fixed: Display of custom field window for 120 dpi screen resolution
  • Fixed: Display of task that recur every first weekday on month view of calendar
  • Fixed: Error while import from MS Outlook
Version 4.0.1
  • Improved: Report Options dialog remembers the task attributes selected previously
  • Improved: When multiple users open the same task simultaneously, they are informed that the task is being edited.
  • Improved: Resources (recipients) in the Custom List of the "Setting parameters for sending tasks via E-Mail" window were not sorted by name
  • Improved: Statuses in Filters panel are separated by Workflow
  • Improved: Sent emails records will be added to Task History panel and tab
  • Improved: Email notification will include the link to the task
  • Improved: Installation Guide will open automatically at product installation
  • Improved: Inactive statuses can be hidden from the list of statuses in Filters panel
  • Fixed: Application didn't wrap correctly the long text strings in "Message footer" and 'Message header" blocks of sent emails
  • Fixed: Application ignored time zone difference when sending tasks by email
  • Fixed: Application substituted values in "Estimated Time" and "Actual Time" fields while entering
  • Fixed: Application didn't updated or displayed correctly certain data in certain conditions on certain panels, views and custom fields of certain types
  • Fixed: There was no title in the Print Preview of certain panels
  • Fixed: Error which appeared after saving a new task while Reminder window is on the screen and a filter is applied.
Version 3.5.1
Version 3.0.1
Version 2.8.1
  • Added : Possibility to work via low speed (narrow-band) networks like the Internet
  • Added : Database Wizard
  • Added : Task History panel
  • Added : Possibility to duplicate Task Groups (including CTRL + Drag&Drop)
  • Added : Possibility to copy and print out task Comments
  • Added : Task Group Notes section
  • Added : Current filter settings line
  • Added : Permissions column that shows user's rights to create, edit, delete tasks and task groups
  • Added : Grouping tasks by "Assigned" field
  • Added : Possibility to change Priority of several highlighted tasks at once
  • Added : Task Groups columns: complete, start date, finish date, due date, estimated time, actual time
  • Added : Possibility to sort Task Groups in alphabetical order
  • Added : Hot keys to open main menu items and filter by task group (ALT) or task groups (SHIFT + ALT)
  • Added : SSL support
  • Added : Auto connect after disconnection
  • Added : Possibility to set connection parameters in command line
  • Improved : Warning message that ask whether user really wants to "Mark all Notifications as Read" or not
  • Improved : Warning message that created or edited tasks are not visible because of applied filter
  • Improved : When a t ask is created it is assigned to current user by default
  • Improved : When filter by ID is applied, all other filters are cleared
  • Improved : Note in the dialog box 'Login' which says that default administrator"s password is 'admin'
  • Improved : Buttons "OK" and "Cancel" are added in "Task Group" drop-down box of Task Edit Dialog
  • Fixed : It was impossible to clear "ID" field using " Del " and then "Enter"
  • Fixed : Focus and selection shift after deleting selected task on Task Tree view
  • Fixed : Saving changes in Print Preview Style Sheets
  • Fixed : Duplication of reoccurrence tasks
Version 2.5.1
  • Added: Recurring tasks
  • Added: Comments panel
  • Added: Filter for displaying Resources on Calendar view
  • Added: Setting background color for overdue Tasks
  • Added: Plain text option for Notes
  • Added: Sample Database
  • Improved: Productivity
  • Improved: Possibility to sort Tasks by priority, due date, etc. in the Reminder popup window
  • Improved: Possibility to set sound alarm for Notifications and Reminders
  • Improved: Possibility to double click on the task in the Reminder window to open it
  • Improved: Minimizing to and restoring from the Tray
  • Improved: Possibility to create a new task from the context menu of the tray icon
  • Fixed: There was no scroll in Comments tab
  • Fixed: Time Grid in the Calendar View didn't save user settings
  • Fixed: Button 'Change status' was absent on the Task Tree View and Calendar View
  • Fixed: After rebooting system the application didn't load but folder with the application appeared
  • Fixed: Application displayed wrong users in Comments tab
  • Fixed: Message "Note has been modified..." appeared twice after making changes in "Notes" panel
  • Fixed: 'Open Task' and 'Find Task' options in Notifications panel should be disabled when several Notifications are selected.
  • Fixed: 'Change Status' option in the context menu should be disabled when a folder in the Task Tree View is right-clicked
Version 2.0.1
  • Added: Custom Fields
  • Added: Multiple Workflow Setting
  • Added: Watch List
  • Added: Comments
  • Added: History
  • Added: Icons and Font Color Setting for Task Statuses
  • Added: Setting the time interval of Estimated and Actual Time fields in Hours, Days, or Automatically
  • Added: 'Find Task' button in Notifications panel
  • Added: 'Description' field in Attachments panel and tab
  • Added: 'Task Group' field in Notifications panel
  • Added: Possibility to automatically create a personal Task Group while adding a new Resource
  • Added: Possibility to choose workflow when creating a task
  • Added: Possibility to minimize the program to Tray Bar only
  • Added: Possibility to set Grid Row Height
  • Added: Possibility to edit root Task Group
  • Added: Possibility to create tasks by highlighting or right clicking on a Task Group in Task Groups panel
  • Improved: In Notes tab, shifting to the next line by pressing "Enter"
  • Improved: Estimated Time and Actual Time fields are 0 by default
  • Improved: User Settings are stored in C:\Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Application Data
  • Fixed: In Task Tree view, drag&drop of tasks from one Task Group to another caused change of focus.
  • Fixed: In Filters panel, there were some issues with Date Range option
  • Fixed: Reminder didn't pop up above other windows on the screen when the application was minimized to Task Bar.
  • Fixed: In Print Preview, Page setup didn't save parameters after re-login.
Version 1.2.1
  • Added support for the 'Custom Fields' feature that will be added to the next update
  • Added 'OK' and 'Cancel' buttons to the filter popup dialog boxes
  • Added filter by Department field
  • Added possibility to choose Date Range for tasks with Due Date or Start/Finish Date
  • Added filters by 'Date Created' and 'Date Last Modified' fields
  • Added 'Automatic Applying Filter' mode for immediate applying filters after any change
  • Added Quick Filters that allow to set filters directly from column header drop down menu

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