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User Manual - How to send the tasks by e-mail

User Manual - How to send the tasks by e-mail
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To send the tasks by e-mail use following steps:

  1. Go to Start -> All Programs -> VIP Quality Software -> VIP Task Manager Professional -> Database Manager
  2. Select ‘SMTP’ tab in Database Manager’ window
  3. Check ‘Enable E-Mail sending’ option
  4. Enter host name of your SMTP server into ‘Host:’ entry field
  5. Enter SMTP port into ‘Port:’ entry field
  6. Select the type of authentication from ‘Authentication’: drop-down list
  7. None – if there is no need in login and password while accessing SMTP

    Login – if only login and password are required to access SMTP

    Login(TLS) – if SSL-connection is used to access SMTP

  8. Enter user name for authorization into ‘User:’ entry field
  9. Enter user password for authorization into ‘Password:’ entry field
  10. Change time-out value in ‘Check every’ entry field if needed and click ‘Apply’ button
  11. Enter your name into ‘Sender Name:’ entry field. It will be added to the message
  12. Enter your e-mail address into ‘Sender E-Mail:’ entry field. It will be added to the message to ‘From’ field.
  13. Click ‘Apply’ button
  14. Click ‘Test’ button to send test message
  15. Click ‘Close’ button
  16. Start VIP Task Manager, right click on required task and select ‘Sending task(s) by Email…’ from drop-down list
  17. Note:

    • To select several tasks simultaneously, click them while holding ‘Ctrl’ or 'Shift' (if the tasks are one by one) key.
  18. Check data section you want to be sent with the task
  19. General – task name, priority, task group this task belongs to, Estimated & Actual Time, Workflow, Status, Complete, Due Date, Start & Finish Date

    Assignments – the names of resources selected task is assigned to

    Attachments – the types, names and descriptions of attachments of selected task

    Notes – notes of selected task

    Comments – comments of selected task

    History – a history of task changes

    Custom fields – names and values of custom fields selected task has



    • To quickly select all data sections click on button
    • To quickly uncheck all data sections click on button
  20. Check ‘Also send attachments’ option to send the files or links attached to selected task together with the task
  21. Click ‘Next’ button
  22. Set ‘Assigned resources’ radio button to send selected task to the resources assigned to this task. The list contains only resources who have e-mail address in 'E-mail' field.
  23. Alternatively, select‘Custom list’ radio button and check resources for sending e-mail
  24. Tips:

    • To quickly select all resources click on button
    • To quickly clear resource list click on button
  25. Enter additional e-mail addresses selected task will be sent to into corresponding entry field. Several e-mail addresses are separated by comma or semicolon
  26. Click ‘Next’ button
  27. Select required template from ‘Templates’ drop-down list. This template defines the view of outgoing message.
  28. Note:

    • You can create your own templates, go to the folder with VIP Task Manager product (by default it’s path is C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional) and put them into ‘XSLT’ folder. After that your templates will be available in ‘Templates’ drop-down list of ‘Setting parameters for sending tasks via E-Mail’ window.
  29. Enter the header of e-mail into ‘Message header’ entry field
  30. Enter the footer of e-mail into ‘Message footer’ entry field
  31. Click ‘Send’ button
  32. Click ‘Ok’ button in appeared information message. Your e-mail will be sent when timeout is finished

  33. You can add custom subject to email message. Click button “…” and select subject from the list, or combine several subjects

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