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User Manual - How to send task groups by e-mail

User Manual - How to send task groups by e-mail
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To send task groups by e-mail use following steps:

  1. Enter SMTP settings
  2. Start VIP Task Manager, right click on required task group and select ‘Sending task(s) by Email…’ from drop-down list
  3. Note:

    • To select several task groups simultaneously, click them while holding ‘Ctrl’ or 'Shift' (if the task groups are one by one) key
  4. Check data sections you want to be sent with task group
  5. General – task group name, task group this task group belongs to, total Estimated & Actual Time of the tasks of selected task group, average completion percent of the tasks of selected task group

    Assignments – the names of resources selected task group is assigned to

    Notes – notes of selected task group

    History – a history of task group changes

    Custom fields – names and values of custom fields selected task group has



    • Attachments and Comments data sections make sense only for the tasks. You can check them for task groups, but they won’t be included in the e-mail.


    • To quickly select all data sections click on button
    • To quickly uncheck all data sections click on button
  6. Click ‘Next’ button
  7. Select ‘Custom list’ radio button and check resources for sending e-mail
  8. Note:

    • ‘Assigned resources’ radio button makes sense only for the tasks. If you select it for task groups, an error message will appear.


    • To quickly select all resources click on button
    • To quickly clear resource list click on button
  9. Enter additional e-mail addresses selected task group will be sent to into corresponding entry field. Several e-mail addresses are separated by comma or semicolon
  10. Click ‘Next’ button
  11. Select required template from ‘Templates’ drop-down list. This template defines the view of outgoing message.
  12. Note:

    • You can create your own templates, go to the folder with VIP Task Manager product (by default it’s path is C:\Program Files\VIP Quality Software\VIP Task Manager Professional) and put them into ‘XSLT’ folder. After that your templates will be available in ‘Templates’ drop-down list of ‘Setting parameters for sending tasks via E-Mail’ window.
  13. Enter the header of e-mail into ‘Message header’ entry field
  14. Enter the footer of e-mail into ‘Message footer’ entry field
  15. Click ‘Send’ button
  16. Click ‘Ok’ button in appeared information message. Your e-mail will be sent when timeout is finished

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