This key performance indicator shows the percentage (number)
of tasks which were successfully completed comparing with the rejected tasks,
i.e. tasks which required rework. This
KPI helps to estimate the resource performance.
If you need to count the percentage (number) of
assigned tasks that didn’t require rework, please follow the steps below:
- Create custom workflow that includes tasks
states Approved and Rejected
- Go to: Tools/Custom Workflow
- Click "Ins" button
- Enter the workflow name and add
- Set task statuses for tasks
- To view the percentage or
number of the tasks that didn’t require rework per particular project
filter tasks by task group
- If you need to view the percentage or number of the tasks that didn’t require rework per
assigned resource set filter on Task List- Filters panel
To view the percentage
(%) of the tasks that didn’t require rework do the
- to group tasks by Status drag and drop column header "Status" to
the top of your task list
- go to Charts panel and select the required diagram type, for
example, "Pie diagram"
The percentage of tasks in Approve status is the
percentage of the assigned tasks that didn’t require rework.
To view the number of the tasks that didn’t require rework please do the following:
- set filer by status "Approved"
- right click under column "Status" and
select "Count"