Percentage of Complaints (Number) that Refer to Quality to Total Number
of Complaints is Complaints of Customer KPI that shows the
number of complaints regarding quality of a product or service
against total number of all types of requests.
In the terms of a project this measure can show the percentage (ratio) of
complaints about the quality of products or services provided by the company
against the total number of all types of requests per project. The formula to
calculate the percentage of complaints that refer to quality to total number of
complaints is as follows:
Percentage of Complaints that Refer to Quality to Total Number of
Complaints (% of QC to TNC) = Total number of complaints that refer to quality
per project / Total number of the requests of all types per project .
This measure
allows to define the customers’ opinion regarding the quality of products or
services provided.
To view the percentage (number) of Complaints that Refer to Quality to
Total Number of Complaints on Task List please follow the steps below:
- Create your own workflow that would include statuses for complaints
that refer to quality of products or services your company provides.
- If you need to view the
percentage (number) of complaints that
refer to quality per
particular project filter tasks by task group
- If you need to view the
percentage (number) of complaints that
refer to quality per particular resource or customer please set the appropriate filters
on Task List – Filters panel
To view the
percentage (number) of complaints that refer to quality please do the following
- to group tasks by Status drag and drop column header "Status" to
the top of your task list
- go to Charts panel and select "Pie diagram"
To view the number of complaints that refer to the quality of a product or service please do the
- set filter
by the corresponding status, for example, "Product Quality"
- right
click under column "Status" and select "Count"
Alternatively you can view the number of complaints in different statuses
if you group task list by column "Status" and click "Expand All" button
To calculate the percentage (ratio) of complaints that refer to quality to complaints of all other types for projects please
do the following:
- Create custom field "Product
Quality Complaints" with Code "cf_product_quality_complaints"
- To enter
the value of the custom field "Product Quality
Complaints" per project you need to
right click on task group with project tasks, select "Custom fields
options" and select "Edit"
- To enter
the value for the custom field right click on task group and select "Edit"
- Create the
custom field "Total Number of Complaints" for project with the code "cf_total_number_of_complaints"
to edit this custom fields for projects
- To enter
the value of the custom field "Total Number of Complaints" per project you
need to right click on task group with project tasks, select "Custom fields
options" and select "Edit"
- To enter
the total number of complaints per project right click on task group with
project tasks and select "Edit". Enter the number you see in Footer on
Task List
- Create the
custom field "% of QC to TNC" (Percentage of Complaints that Refer to
Quality to Total Number of Complaints) with the formula:
ToFloat($cf_product_quality_complaints) / ToFloat($cf_total_number_of_complaints)
* 100
- On Task Tree select the task group for which you need to display the
value of this KPI, select "Custom fields options" and set the following custom
fields settings for the custom field "% of QC to TNC":
- In "Settings for" select "This task group"
- select "Enable"
- select "Calculated by custom field formula (for task group)"
Percentage of Complaints that Refer to Quality to Total Number of