Mileage custom field shows a distance to the site
where the meeting, conference or any other arrangement will be conducted. You
can use this custom field if you need to view, edit, sort or filter the tasks
by Mileage or estimate additional expenses for a task.

To create custom filed Mileage please follow
the steps below:
1.Go to: Tools/Custom fields and press "Ins" button

2. in "Title" field enter "Mileage"

3. in "Code" field enter "cf_mileage"

4. in "Type" field select "Float"

5. If you would like to display the integer as the value of custom filed "Mileage", for example, 35 miles, enter #0 miles in "Display format" and
click "Ok" button.

If you would like to display non-integral
numbers as well, for example, 35.50 miles, please enter #0.00 miles in "Display format" field and click "Ok" button.

6. to display the value of custom
field Mileage on Task List or Task Tree please go to Task List or Task
Tree, click Task List Columns or Task Tree Columns button and check the custom field "Mileage".

7. to enter the values for custom field Mileage please do the following:
- Open a task and go to Custom Fields tab

- Select the values from
drop-down list for custom field Mileage and click "Ok" button.
