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Custom Workflow 57: Create – Work in Progress – Pending Review – Complete

Custom Workflow 57: Create – Work in Progress – Pending Review – Complete
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Custom Workflow 57: Create – Work in Progress – Pending Review – Complete

    The following workflow allows to track the statuses of checked tasks, i.e. when Administrator, the owner of the task or any other stakeholder needs to verify the task during the process of its accomplishment. The example of checked task can be as follows: you have a task ‘Send contract". Certain resource is responsible to complete the document. Once it is done, the task will be forwarded to resource who is responsible to check the contract content. If it is approved, the responsible resource can proceed further.

    This workflow includes the following statuses:

  • Create
  • Task status "Create" shows that the responsible resource created the task in VIP Task Manager Professional.

  • Work in Progress
  • Task status "Work in Progress" notifies that the task is in the process of being terminated.

  • Pending Review
  • If the task is in "Pending Review" status, it means that the assigned resource finished the task and the responsible resource needs to review the performed work.

  • Complete
  • If the work on the task was done correctly and the reviewer doesn’t have any objections, the task can be set to "Complete" status.

    Custom Workflow 57

    Task statuses of Custom Workflow 57 on Task List

    To create custom workflow using the statuses described above, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to: Tools/Custom workflow
  • Custom Workflow 57

  • Click "New Workflow"   button.
  • Custom Workflow 57

  • In Name field enter custom field name, for example, "Workflow 57".
  • Custom Workflow 57

  • Click "Ins" button, enter the status name "Create" in Name field and click "Ok" button.
  • Custom Workflow 57

  • Add other statuses: "Work in Progress", "Pending Review" and "Complete".
  • Custom Workflow 57

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